
The 80/20 Principle of Christianity

times when Jesus gave quick answers

love Lord your God and love your neighbor – Love (doesn’t say fear/praise.  Says to Love.  What does that mean we need to “Do?”  We can rely on Gen 1:26, that we are made in his image for clues.  Genesis says we are made like God.  It stands to reason, then, that we experience some of the same emotions He does, and vice versa.  What does Love mean to us?  To adore, to care for, and to be faithful to Only Him

Man on the cross

“What must I do to be saved?”

Peter wrote the church in Acts asking what to focus on.  They could have written him back a book.  They replied to just keep the widows and ___________.

Gal 2:10 – They only asked us to remember the poor– the very thing I also was eager to do.

Likewise James says Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.  James 1:27
